This page concerns the privacy policy of this website.
Site owner
Rutten - New Energy System S.A.
P.I. des Hauts-Sarts
1ère Avenue 123-125
B-4040 Herstal - Belgique
Tél. +32 (0) 4 264 85 75
Trackers / Cookies
Access to the public pages of the website does not cause any cookies to be saved on your browser, which would enable us to identify you and remember your actions during your visits. Furthermore, our website does not collect any personal data that is stored on it.
Statistics and access logging
The only data received and used by our site for statistical purposes is data automatically sent by any browser, including no personal data and/or data obtained by tracing through different sites. This data mainly includes :
- The page consulted
- The browser and operating system used by the visitor
- A very approximate geolocation including the country of connection and sometimes the region, based on the IP address.
Visitors' IP addresses are only included in technical logs (error logs, etc.), not in statistical tools.
All this information, both statistical and technical, is stored in a secure area of our hosting, without any access or sharing with third parties.
Please note that this does not prevent your browser from storing your browsing history if you have not chosen "private browsing" mode. Please refer to your browser's documentation for more information on this subject.
Similarly, we cannot guarantee that your visit to our site has not been saved by the network operator through which you are connected to the Internet. Company networks and cybercafés, in particular, generally keep traces of sites visited from their internal networks, and may associate these visits with a user account.
Data collected via the contact form
Personal data collected using the contact form is neither processed nor stored and is used only to centralise user requests in a mailbox specifically created for this purpose. Once the contact request has been processed, all data received via the contact form is deleted.
Links to other websites and social networks
The website contains links to other websites or to our social networks which are not governed by this privacy policy. Rutten NES makes no representations or warranties as to how user data is stored or used on third party servers. We recommend that you consult the privacy policy of each third party site to determine their use and protection.